Beginner ASL Level 1 (Virtual)
ASL Beginner Level 1
Virtual taught on Zoom
Taught by TBD
Mondays Virtual: March 10 - May 5 | 6:30 - 8pm CT
Mid-semester break the week of March 31 - April 4
Curriculum provided in pricing*
ASL Beginner Level 1
Virtual taught on Zoom
Taught by TBD
Mondays Virtual: March 10 - May 5 | 6:30 - 8pm CT
Mid-semester break the week of March 31 - April 4
Curriculum provided in pricing*
ASL Beginner Level 1
Virtual taught on Zoom
Taught by TBD
Mondays Virtual: March 10 - May 5 | 6:30 - 8pm CT
Mid-semester break the week of March 31 - April 4
Curriculum provided in pricing*
Duration: 8-week course
Frequency: Once a week
Session Length: 90 minutes
Instructors: Deaf native ASL users
Curriculum: Standardized to cover ASL fundamentals with opportunities to continue to take more advanced courses building upon the foundational knowledge gained during this program.
Target Audience: Ages 16 +
Platform: Virtual classes hosted on Zoom (instructions for Zoom provided for ease of use)
Should you require any accommodations, please contact us at This event upholds nondiscriminatory practices and encourages a learning environment of mutual respect and free from bias.
For a full refund, cancel registration by one week prior to classes starting.
** Upon purchasing this workshop, you will be sent an email with all information for class. Please keep this email in a easy-to-access location. **