Prioritizing Mental Health for K-12 ASL Interpreters


Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
April 11, 2025
5pm - 8pm CT / 6pm - 9pm ET
0.3 PS CEUs

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Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
April 11, 2025
5pm - 8pm CT / 6pm - 9pm ET
0.3 PS CEUs

Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
April 11, 2025
5pm - 8pm CT / 6pm - 9pm ET
0.3 PS CEUs

Workshop Description:
This interactive workshop, "Prioritizing Mental Health for K-12 ASL Interpreters," addresses the unique challenges interpreters face in educational settings, focusing on the impact of stress, burnout, and emotional demands. Through discussion, activities, and practical strategies, participants will explore the distinctions between stress, anxiety, and burnout, learn to identify early warning signs, and develop effective self-care and resilience practices. This session is designed to provide interpreters with the tools and knowledge to prioritize their mental health, maintain composure in charged situations, and foster long-term professional well-being.

Educational Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify early indicators of stress, anxiety, or burnout in themselves and colleagues.

  • Demonstrate grounding or de-escalation techniques during a role-play activity to manage emotional responses effectively in high-stress situations.

  • Develop a personalized self-care plan with actionable strategies to promote mental health and resilience in their daily work.

Presenter Bio:
Amy is certified Sign Language Interpreter, founder, Co-Owner and Director of Operations at SLS.

She is a SODA who grew up in Newaygo, Michigan, later moving to Southern Illinois. There she attended and graduated from the Interpreter Preparation Program at John A. Logan Community College in 2002. After that, she immediately started professionally interpreting as a staff interpreter for Lakeland College and Eastern Illinois University. Later, she moved to Oklahoma City where she started developing new skills involving education, the local community, and VRS.

After moving to Middle Tennessee in 2012, Amy became a contract interpreter and has now interpreted in a multitude of fields, including medical, mental health, legal, platform, government, media and performance. She continues to work in the VRS and VRI settings as well.

Amy started SLS with the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing community as the central driving factor. Providing Professional Development to interpreters was a stepping stone that led to a wider scope of services for the community. She is now the lead for all general operations provided by SLS such as; interpreting services, consultative services, and more.


Should you require any accommodations, please contact us at This event upholds nondiscriminatory practices and encourages a learning environment of mutual respect and free from bias. Sign Language Studios is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This program will offer 0.3 PS CEUs, at the SOME Content Knowledge Level.

For a full refund, cancel registration by April 4.

*Upon purchasing this workshop, you will receive an email with the Zoom link for the workshop. Please keep this email saved*