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Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
May 23, 2025
6 - 9pm CT / 7 - 10pm ET

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Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
May 23, 2025
6 - 9pm CT / 7 - 10pm ET

Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
May 23, 2025
6 - 9pm CT / 7 - 10pm ET

Workshop Description:
Feedback is an essential part of professional growth, especially in a practice profession like interpreting. Yet, many interpreters hesitate to work in teamed settings due to discomfort with giving or receiving feedback. This interactive workshop is designed to help interpreters build confidence in navigating feedback conversations with peers.
We will explore:

✅ What feedback is and why it matters in interpreting

✅ The five styles of feedback and their impact

✅ How to promote active listening during and after feedback

✅ Effective approaches to giving and receiving feedback with clarity, compassion, and empathy

✅ Strategies for initiating feedback conversations and developing a personal script

✅ Hands-on application to put these skills into practice

Whether you're new to team interpreting or looking to strengthen your communication skills, this workshop will provide you with the tools to make feedback a constructive and empowering experience.

Educational Objectives:
Interpreters will be able to:

  • Define feedback and explain its role in the interpreting profession as a practice profession.

  • Identify the five styles of feedback and describe how each impacts professional growth and team dynamics.

  • Demonstrate active listening techniques to enhance comprehension and engagement during feedback exchanges.

  • Apply effective communication strategies, including compassion and empathy, when giving and receiving feedback.

  • Develop a personalized feedback script to confidently initiate and navigate feedback conversations.

  • Practice giving and receiving constructive feedback in a teamed setting through hands-on application.

Presenter Bio:
Kayla is a certified Sign Language Interpreter, Co-Owner and Director of Professional Development at SLS.

She grew up in Key West, Florida and later moved to Orlando to attend Valencia College where she took her first ASL class as an elective. She instantly fell in love with the language and culture, leading her to change her major to ASL/English interpreting. After graduating from Valencia’s ITP with an AA, she transferred to the University of North Florida where she graduated with a BS degree in ASL/English Interpreting in 2019.

Along the way, she studied abroad in Austria and Poland with a focus on Deaf people in concentration camps during the Holocaust. During this trip, her passion for the Deaf and Interpreting communities grew. Inspired by the plethora of resources available in Europe, she realized the same resources were needed stateside. After moving to the greater Nashville area in 2021, she met Amy and soon realized this was a chance to put that passion into practice.

At SLS, she runs the Professional Development Department where she strives to provide top quality continuing education for interpreters all over the country.

Should you require any accommodations, please contact us at This event upholds nondiscriminatory practices and encourages a learning environment of mutual respect and free from bias. Sign Language Studios is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This program will offer 0.3 PS CEUs, at the SOME Content Knowledge Level.

For a full refund, cancel registration by 5/16/2025.

*Upon purchasing this workshop, you will receive an email with the Zoom link for the workshop. Please keep this email saved*